Structural geology
Current research in the department is focused on the structural geology of the Cape Fold Belt in the Eastern Cape, with particular emphasis on the occurrence of thrust faults, thrust sheets, and thrust stacking; and the associated implications for stratigraphic interpretation. The areas in which this work has been conducted include the Knysna-Uniondale area, Kareedouw, Steytlerville, Port Elizabeth and Port Alfred.
Sedimentary geology
Research has also been undertaken on the sedimentary geology of the Cape Supergroup, Karoo Sequence, and the Uitenhage Group.
Work is also being done on the sediment movement of beaches and dunes in the Port Elizabeth area.
Geographical research
Geographical research in the department focus on Land Degradation, particularly soil erosion, vegetation change and invasions, and implications for climatic change; urban agriculture and sustainable development issues in urban environments. GIS and remote sensing are commonly used as tools in many of the research projects undertaken.